Property news question sheet for individual sales agents
Please provide as much detail as possible for us to create your cover story.
- Office Submitting EQS
Name of Real Estate Office
Please provide your office's full name, i.e: "Barfoot & Thompson Howick"
Name of person submitting this Editorial Question Sheet
Your Email Address
Your Phone Number
Key Editorial Message you want promoted
Issue Number
What is the overall message you would like to convey in the cover story?
What are the three key points you'd tell a vendor about the sale?
Imagine for a moment you were communicating this message to a potential vendor. What would be the three key points you would share with them about this sale?
What did you do to make this sale happen?
Describe the personal steps you took, plus measures your office has implemented to give your vendor this result. Don't hold back in giving us detail - take us on the journey you took so that the reader knows hard you work to get a top result.
Why is the cover story a good example of the results you get for vendors?
Other Information you would like conveyed in your cover story:
Property Details
Address of Property:
How many days did it take you to sell this property?
Please enter a number greater than or equal to
Average days it takes to sell a property in your market?
Please enter a number greater than or equal to
Listing Price
Please enter a number from
Listing Agent's Name?
Selling Price
Selling Agent's Name?
Last property I.D number:
What method of sale was used?
Method of Sale?
Private Treaty
Off Market
Method of Sale Questions
Private Treaty - How many offers were made?
Please enter a number greater than or equal to
Did the property sell prior to Auction?
How many offers were made?
Auction - How many people registered to bid?
Please enter a number greater than or equal to
Auction - How many bids were made?
Please enter a number greater than or equal to
Auction - What size crowd watched the Auction?
Please enter a number greater than or equal to
Open Inspection information
Did you have open inspections?
How many open inspections did you have?
How many people came to the open inspections?
Vendor Information
Vendors Name:
Have you sold a property for this vendor before?
How many other properties have you sold for them?
Over how many years have you worked with this vendor?
What type of results have you achieved for this vendor in the past?
Testimonial Evidence from your Vendors
Testimonial comments from your Vendor:
NOT MANDATORY - BUT ADDS MASSIVE CREDIBILITY TO YOUR NEWSLETTER. Please provide us with testimonial comments from your clients why they would recommend you to a friend or family and why they liked dealing with you and the office.
Testimonial documents from your Vendor
Maybe you have a photo or pdf of a hand written testimonial
Drop files here or
Select files
Accepted file types: jpeg, jpg, gif, png, pdf, doc, zip, Max. file size: 32 MB.
Market Information
What is the median price of property in your area?
Has the median price of property risen or fallen in the last three months?
Remained the same
Hi Res Images of the property in the story
Hi Res Image Upload
Drop files here or
Select files
Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, gif, png, pdf, Max. file size: 32 MB.
Other information you would like to supply ...
Please provide us any other information or thoughts you have that would help us produce your newsletter.
Please provide us any other information or thoughts you have that would help us produce your newsletter.
Other documents you would like to provide:
Drop files here or
Select files
Accepted file types: jpeg, jpg, gif, png, pdf, doc, xls, zip, Max. file size: 32 MB.
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