Grow Your Rent Roll While Retaining Your Valuable Landlords
A workshop for Property Managers who don't enjoy sales or marketing but need to grow their rent roll, and at the same time want to know how to safeguard their current landlords from being poached
This workshop has been extremely well received in Melbourne, Brisbane, Canberra, Port Macqaurie and Newcastle - next date:
SYDNEY - 30th March, 2017 |
With an expected change in market conditions over the next 18 months, Principals realise that they need this workshop to give their Property Managers the following:
- 30-Day Plan to grow your Rent Roll - designed for Property Managers (not sales people) to implement once they return to your office after the workshop.
- 3-Step process to retain Landlords - with many of your smaller competitors hungry for business and willing to poach your landlords with promises they cannot deliver - we show a three step plan to keep your landlords with you!
- A Proven Process - what you will take away from this workshop is
currently working for real estate offices like yours right now!
Why was a Principal willing to invest over $5000 to
have this workshop delivered to his two offices?
How do you help your Property Managers organically grow a rent roll, even if they hate the thought of doing sales and marketing?
How do you stop offices who are charging cheaper rental fees from poaching your valuable landlords?
If this sounds familiar, you are not alone. Two months ago, these questions were troubling LJ Hooker Principal John Warlow, who owns two offices in the Brisbane suburbs of Springwood and Logan City, Queensland. He was looking for a cost effective answer.
That?s when John asked me to write and develop this course which has been tailor made for an LJ Hooker franchise office?s Property Management team.
John Warlow
LJ Hooker Principal
Springwood & Logan City Queensland
Having experienced my marketing program for real estate agents, which he is currently running, and knowing that I have run my own sales training workshops for real estate agents and corporate sales teams in the past, John asked me to develop a one day workshop for his two Property Management teams which would give him the solution he needed.
John needed a program designed for Property Managers that would give his two teams a simple step-by-step approach to help them win back landlords thinking of going with a cheaper agency, and at the same time help his team grow their rent roll organically.
On the 9th of November, having developed a step-by-step program for John, I delivered this course to his two teams of Property Managers. The course proved to be exactly the training John was looking for. His property managers have embraced what was learnt and are putting into practice what was taught. Since that day John has recommended this workshop to offices right across Australia.
Based on the success John Warlow's team have had attending the workshop I would like to offer to teach your team the system John says has transformed his office.
On this website, I will show you how easy it is for your Property Managers to implement this step-by-step business building system when you send your staff to one of my next public workshops.
This workshop has been extremely well received in Melbourne, | |
SYDNEY - 30th March, 2017 | |
Please read John's letter below for his feedback about the workshop and why he is recommending you attend ...
This workshop has now been extremely well received in
Melbourne, Brisbane, Canberra, Port Macqaurie and Newcastle
Two LJ Hooker Principals gave the following feedback, as they feel other offices will
benefit from this workshop. Please click on each image to listen to their comments:
Canberra Workshop 1st February, 2017 - feedback :
Dennis Vlandis, Principal at LJ Hooker Belconnen and Stephen Thompson at LJ Hooker Manuka, in Canberra, based on John's recommendation, had their two teams attend our latest workshop in Canberra on the 1st of February, 2017.? Here is some of their feedback:
Dennis Vlandis
LJ Hooker Belconnen
Canberra ACT
Prop manager - SARAH
Prop manager - MARGARET
prop manager - georgia
prop manager - kim
prop manager - pip
prop manager
Newcastle Workshop 9th February 2017 - feedback :
Prop manager - GABRIELLE
Prop manager - MAThEW
prop manager - Melissa
principal - kate
prop manager
Melbourne Workshop 14th February, 2017 - feedback :
Prop manager - BINA
Prop manager - JULIE
prop manager - JODIE
prop manager - POOJA
prop manager - MICHELLE
prop manager - Kazween Property Mgr
Port Macquarie Workshop 16th February 2017 - feedback :
Prop manager - TERRY
Prop manager - RACHEL
PRop manager - Brianna
prop manager - NiCKy
prop manager - JAMie
prop manager - alison
Prop manager
Brisbane? Workshop 24th February 2017 - feedback :
Prop manager - veronica
PROP MaNAGER - samantha
Prop manager - kayleen
Prop manager - melinda
PRop manager - narelle
prop manager - kim
prop manager
Why? your Property Manage?rs will? benefit from attending this one day workshop
We will teach you how to grow your rent roll, by positioning yourself in the market as a Property Manager who is truly interested in helping a Landlord achieve their long-term financial goals , not just a Property Manager who promises the earth but rarely delivers.
This workshop will take you behind the scenes to learn how Landlords choose a Property Manager. This information alone will save you thousands of dollars on useless approaches that turn prospective Landlords away.
How do you achieve this? What?s the secret to communicating in such a way that you do not need to resort to heavy handed sales tactics to get a new landlord signed with your office?
You will learn the mindset of the landlord. In this process you will discover the key messages that gives a Landlord the assurance that you are the Property Manager for them.
When you know what makes Landlord?s tick, you?ll know exactly what needs to be said in both verbal and written communications. With this understanding, and the analysis of your current approach to signing up Landlords, I will guide you through a new process which will take the stress out of organically growing your rent roll.
"What Ken teaches is simple, yet ?so effective!"
"It is shocking to realise that this is not used more commonly. It is eye-opening and a little embarrassing that we have not been using this technique all along. I was partially using this method, but certainly not to full effect," said Stephanie.
"Now that I have attended training with Ken, I now have the knowledge to use my testimonials effectively to grow the business and also my own profile as an agent."
Stephanie Thackery
Property Investment Manager
LJ Hooker Springwood
"Thank you for opening my mind."
"This has definitely given me some new ideas," said Tony.
"Since the workshop we have been implementing your system and it works.
You have given me a better understanding of the use of testimonials and now you have shown me how to get them from my clients and use them when marketing makes your workshop a worthwhile exercise."
Tony Hall
Sales Manager
LJ Hooker Springwood
"I believe Ken has changed my future."
"I have found it difficult to gain the trust of new clients as I am one of the youngest members on the team," said Ashley.
"I believe Ken has really changed the future of my career with this seminar and I am excited to gather effective testimonials to use in the future."
"I believe any agent who is serious about furthering their profile and career should take this seminar."
Ashley Warlow
Business Dev. Manager
LJ Hooker Logan City
"Thank you for a different insight."
"Thank you for a different insight on how we can catch attention of new potential clients," said Ashley.
"I found the day interesting and look forward to implementing your system of story telling when dealing with clients."
Samantha Curry
Property Investment Manager
LJ Hooker Springwood
"Very Informative and Entertaining."
"This has definitely given me some new ideas," said Tony.
"Since the workshop we have been implementing your system and it works."
"You have given me a better understanding of the use of testimonials and now you have shown me how to get them from my clients and use them when marketing makes your workshop a worthwhile exercise."
Andrew Wilson
Property Investment Manager
LJ Hooker Springwood
One Day Workshop Outline
We will teach your Property Managers a -Ten Step Process - that they can start using the moment they leave the training room. Our Workshop gives your staff a set of powerful strategies and an action plan that will help them in growing your Rent Roll while retaining your current Landlords.
This workshop has been extremely well received in Melbourne,
Brisbane, Canberra, Port Macqaurie and Newcastle - next date:
SYDNEY - 30th March, 2017
Each tab below reveals the course content covered in our one day workshop for this 10 step property managers program:
- Step 1
- step 2
- step 3
- step 4
- step 5
- step 6
- step 7
- step 8
- step 9
- step 10
Getting back to basics - what motivates us?
The key to being a successful marketer is to stop focusing on your own motivation (ie I want to secure a Landlord). Instead you need to sit on the other side of the table and look at the transaction through the eyes of a consumer.
In this section of the workshop we will share research that shows you quite clearly how to communicate the way a consumer wants to be communicated to.
This technique is often used by advertising copywriters as they know that they need to get into the head-space of the consumer before they can begin to construct marketing messages that powerfully resonate with buyers.
What Real Estate Agents are saying about Workshops Ken has presented ...
Some comments from attendees at Ken's real estate workshop for sales people - "The Vendors Story"
"What a workshop this was!!! "
"I have been to so many workshops and haven't really got much out of them. Whereas Ken explained everything clearly and left you with the knowledge you need to implement these new strategies. His energy and presentation was extremely fantastic. I will be taking plenty of ideas away from here and putting them into action immediately - thanks!"
Debra Ford
Senior Sales Agent
Sternbecks Real Estate NSW
"Kens workshop was very informative and thought-provoking. I'm pleased to be going home with new scripts and dialogues and an entirely new thought process on how to be effective in real estate selling"
"Ken brings a lot of enthusiasm to the training and really gets you thinking about new approaches. More importantly he just doesn't motivate you - he gives you a plan of action."
Troy Nicholson
Richardson & Wrench Narellan NSW
"I have been to numerous real estate sales training seminars over the past 20 years and more. A lot of it is just the same regurgitated over and over by various people. A colleague of mine strongly recommended I attend Ken Robinson's workshop. I'm glad I did as it was a completely fresh approach to sales that I'll be applying from now on. Kenn brings an enthusiasm and excitement to this workshop."
Garry Krestensen
Senior Sales Agent
Exclusive Real Estate NSW
"I met with Ken on Thursday, 29 January at the Waldorf Hotel in Parramatta, I found his training workshop full of energy and he had great ideas and concepts for my industry. I feel I can take these new ideas with me in my career that will help improve not only my income but longevity in the industry (I have been in real estate and 14 years). I highly recommend the course to others and found it highly valuable. In this workshop I found Ken highly approachable, he spoke fluently and explained himself to the whole group."
Benham Dodd
Senior Sales Manager
Combined Real Estate NSW
More Testimonials from Ken's Real Estate Workshops:
The following Principals, Agents and Real Estate Salespeople made the following comments having attended my sales workshop for real estate agents:
?I am very impressed! A detailed analysis of using testimonials and our clients experience will be extremely helpful in generating business for me and my agency. I gained some great practical tools for generating leads. Thanks Ken!?
James Harvey - Principal - Sternbecks Real Estate
?Ken?s workshop was definitely worth attending. Ken was a great speaker who shared valuable techniques throughout the day. I will take all the information I?ve learnt today and applied to my day to day work routine. I would highly recommend Ken?s workshop to anybody in real estate sales who is looking to increase productivity and sales.?
Anthony McGugan, Combined Real Estate
?Ken?s workshop had a great ability in reinforcing the basics that makes salespeople successful. He assisted in conveying simple concepts and ideas that are not only effective but can be utilised by seasoned salespeople and by new people in the industry.?
Andy Tan - Gerard Partners Real Estate
?Ken provided a new prospective and approach on how to tackle the consumers mindset. He makes you see things through the consumers eyes and clearly shows you how you can combat objections by using the power of storytelling and testimonials. Ken also provides a great insight into how to effectively cold call and prospect - a great day!?
Mounir Dib - Gerard Partners Real Estate
?If you are a Principal looking to do a sales workshop for your agency, I would highly recommend Ken Robinson?s workshop!?
Greg Copeland, Principal at Combined Real Estate - (4 offices)
Your Trainer - Ken Robinson has helped promote the real estate industry for the past 12 years
Twelve years ago Ken established a newsletter program titled "Property News" for Real Estate Agents that has seen over 400 offices month after month print and distribute 20,000 plus newsletters to their local community.
The program has a proud heritage with many agents using the newsletter program for 10 years or longer. Many of the Principals who have used Ken's real estate marketing program have sent their entire sales team to this sales workshop.
Why do business people benefit from Ken's workshops?
As one of Ken's clients said to him the other day when deciding to send six of his sales staff to one of Ken's workshops:
?I know your methods work, you cold called me on a Thursday afternoon, you then convinced me to meet with you the following morning and on the same day I was writing out a cheque for a year long marketing campaign.
?Ken, your presentation, approach and attitude was so positive I couldn't come up with enough reasons to knock your proposal back. I had never dreamed of marketing my business with a newsletter campaign, but you convinced me and closed me in our first meeting.
?I had never dreamed of marketing my business with a newsletter campaign, but you convinced me otherwise.
?I want you to teach my salespeople how to sell like that!"
At 24 years of age, Ken convinced the Fairfax Media Group to 100% financially back him to start his own magazine business. Ken was publishing his own national magazines with print runs in excess of 500,000 copies. This was his first business.
Ken's methods and strategies are based on his real world experiences on the road over the past 27 years selling and marketing all manner of products and services. His understanding of consumer behaviour has enabled him to produce marketing programs that have generated millions of dollars in sales.
Ken has trained sales teams from: Telstra, Crown Forklifts, Attache Software, SEW Eurodrive and numerous other corporate organisations.
Ken has worked in radio as both an announcer and voice over artist. He was trained at the prestigious Australian , Film, Television and Radio School and still does voice-over work.
Ken Robinson
Below are client testimonials from Ken's corporate workshops:
Advantages vs Disadvantages
From the feedback so far there are definitely more Pros than Cons. But for those who like to go at a slow speed, don't attend this workshop because it will get you revved up and excited about growing your business.
The Pros List
- This workshop was specifically written for LJ Hooker offices and their property management teams. There is no other workshop like this available.
- Your office will be the only agency in your area to have access to this training
- You won't just get motivated - you will walk away with a system you can start using once you get back to the office.
- Inexpensive - book before Dec 23 and you save $100 on each seat. Which means your entire team can attend!
The Cons List
- You will have to do some thinking on the day and be involved in some powerful group exercises which require a little effort.
- When you return from the office you will have to do thinks in a much better way - sorry change will be inevitable.
What could happen if you do not send your property managers to this workshop?
Having completed this workshop, John kindly drove me to Brisbane airport. As we were talking about the success we had that day, I asked him why he had gone to the effort of having me produce this workshop. What he said is worth noting ...
"Ken, in the next 12 to 18 months there is most likely going to be a downturn in the market. Possibly even a crash ? who knows. But if I can get my rent roll to a certain level, my business is financially secure if sales dramatically drop-off. With the type of Rent roll I am aiming for, my team and I will be set for a positive future."
Is your business prepared for a possible downturn in the next 18 months?
Remember the last property crash.
Give yourself the tools this time so you have the best chance of growing your rent roll and securing your business
Then take action now, we only have limited seating for each of these workshops and as these are one-off events you will miss out. Plus, we made each ticket so affordable ? there is really no reason not to attend.
Remember, the only reason John turned to Ken to develop the training, is that there is nobody else offering this specialised Workshop. It was been developed for two L. J. Hooker offices And now you have the opportunity to take advantage - book today before it's too late!
Why LJ Hooker Offices like yours are sending their property managers to this one-off event.
- Your team get to start 2017 with a system their competitors don't have
- The workshop will show your staff a new way of looking at sales and marketing.
- We will look at a set of scripts and dialogues on how to sell landlords on your services. Plus, show your team the steps involved in turning around a landlord who has had a cheaper offer from your competitor.
- You will be given an action plan that is simple and straight forward.
What has been John' experience since the workshop? Has it helped his two teams grow the rent roll?
?It has been two months since the workshop and the investment in the training was worthwhile. The team are using the techniques taught to them on the workshop which is helping them attract new landlords. Ken?s approach has given the office the approach I?ve always wanted and need to grow the landlords we have.?
?Your system is so simple and achievable. I believe every LJ Hooker property manager should do this training!?
John Warlow, Principal LJ Hooker
Workshop Locations and Dates:
Each workshop is 9.30am to 5.00pm
SYDNEY - 30th March, 2017
$495 EA + GST
- Full day of intensive training
- lunch and daytime refreshments
- You will take home news scripts and dialogues
- You will develop new marketing letters
- A personal marketing plan for your team
- A painless approach to dealing with landlords who have been given a better offer by your competition
- A cheat sheet to a landlord's motivation
- One-on-one training as we are only accepting a maximum of 30 people to this workshop
$395EA + GST
- Full day of intensive training
- lunch and daytime refreshments
- You will take home news scripts and dialogues
- You will develop new marketing letters
- A personal marketing plan for your team
- A painless approach to dealing with landlords who have been given a better offer by your competition
- A cheat sheet to a landlord's motivation
- One-on-one training as we are only accepting a maximum of 30 people to this workshop
Frequently Asked Questions
How do you secure your seat?
How can I pay my workshop fee?
Do I have to pay in advance ?
Latest date for enrollment?
What if I am sick or cannot attend?
Do you have a question?
P.S.:: We are extremely excited about having you join us at this workshop. We have priced it at an an extremely reasonable rate So that there is no reason why you start should miss out!
Copyright - 2017 - Newsletter House Pty Ltd.
You can speak with Ken Robinson on 0408 028 825