Here’s a detailed list of what we’ll need to provide us so that we can produce your video magazine:
As we prepare to create a compelling video magazine that showcases your success and expertise in real estate, there are several key materials I’ll need from you. These assets will ensure we illustrate your brand and highlight the achievements of your team effectively.
In some cases you may have sent this material so there will be no need to send it again, but to make your magazine visually interesting we suggest you definitely try to proviode us with as much of this material as you can.
To get this program started, use the two links below to provide us with a brief giving us the information we need to complete a video interview with your client and the second link to book a time for that interview:
- The first link enables you to provide a summary of the interview with your landlord: - The second link lets you utilise my online calendar to book a video interview with your client.
1. B-Roll Footage:
- Property Manager in Action: Please arrange for b-roll footage of the salesperson we’ll be featuring. We’re looking for clips that align with the topics covered in the interview, such as:
- Negotiating on the phone or in meetings.
- Interacting with clients.
- Working within your office environment.
2. High-Resolution Images:
- Property Manager Featured: High-res photos of the salesperson being interviewed.
- Office Environment: High-res images of your office to visually represent your professional space.
- Branch Manager: A high-res photograph of your branch manager for inclusion in the magazine
3. Client Testimonials:
- Written testimonials from other clients who can share their positive experiences and why they believe this salesperson excels in real estate.
- Additional Photos: Any high-res images that clients may have shared with you, which could be included alongside their testimonials.
4. Branding Materials:
- Company Logo: A high-res version of your logo for branding purposes in the magazine and video.
- Additional Photographs: Any other images you believe could enhance the presentation, such as team photos, awards, or community events.
5. Customer Interview Footage:
- If you have any b-roll footage of the customer we’re interviewing, please provide that as well.
6. Information for Property Management magazine:
- It is a good idea to include profiles on other team memebers including a photo of each team member to be featured and any testimonials they have so we can write a powerful profile on each property manager.
- Property Photos: If possible, provide several photographs for the type of properties you currently have on your books. We won't mnetioning addresses we just use these imagaes to illustrate your magazine.
To view Magazine examples mentioned in the video please click on the images below. To determine what B-roll and images you are going to send to me please view these two publications for ideas:
Property Management magazine examples:
Sales magazine examples:
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